Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 15

Today we write and feel exhausted.  We’re tired of eating rice, beans and bananas!  But we do it anyway.  I’m tired of not reading a good story from the sports page, but I abstain anyway.  We’re tired of filling out paper after paper for the adoption and feeling like Karen & I are all alone in this process but we take heart again anyway.  We’re tired of wondering where the money is coming from, but we keep believing anyway.  We’re tired of this whole Daniel fast thing, but I do it anyway.  We’re just tired of disciplining ourselves.  We are where Jesus was when he was praying in the garden.  Not the glory part, but rather the gory part. We understand though, without the gory, there is no glory.  There will be an end to this exhausting process and we know it.  But for the moment, we wonder why did this.  All that said and today, we look at each other for just a moment and notice that Jeffrey looks healthy and vibrant, Russell has lost over 10 lbs and Karen glows like a bride.  Karen bought some clothes for our new boys today and we got excited all over again about having them join our family.  There is something to be said for discipline and waiting…I just can’t seem to find those words right now though.  I’m too tired to think!  Until Day 16…

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