Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 12

Today starts day 12 of our Daniel Fast and we begin our day refreshed and revived.  We have hit a time when we are starting to run on commitment more than anything else.  There is a deep down conviction that we are receiving something special out of the fast.  There is the realization that our bodies feel a range of things from really, really good and healthy to tired and fatigued. Mentally, there is the realization that this is good, but also old habits rise up and it seems easier to just call in a pizza.  While eating no sugar, no meat and nothing processed has been rewarding, eating rice and beans is now starting to be a little bland. Spiritually, we are strong.  We pray together as a family every night and have been enjoying reading the book of Daniel together on most nights.  There have been certain “enlightenments” along the way and life’s path seems a little clearer as a result of quieting ourselves and our appetites.   Its hard to think clearly when your body is screaming for things that it really doesn’t need to begin with.  While we look forward the fast’s end, it is clear that we will not return to our former regimen of eating.

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